The new artificial Wet Basin


ENVIRONMENT: the 1,500,000 cubic meters of dredged up materials allowed the realization of two projects of reuse of this area, strictly respecting the environmental legislation and the sustainability policy of our ecosystem. The projects were carried out in close cooperation with the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale – ISPRA – (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and the Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale – ARPA – (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) of Sicily. The construction of a 350,000 cubic meter submerged sand bar located at nearly 20 km south of the port of Catania, in front of Carlentini, for beach nourishment and limitation of the erosion effect of some stretches of coastline classified in the P.A.I. - Piano Stralcio di Bacino Idrogeologico – (Hydrogeological Setting Plan) as being at moderate and high risk. The reuse, after stabilization, of nearly 300,000 cubic meters of sands for the filling of the port aprons, limiting as far as possible the use of caves and dumps.

This project realized the first real requalification intervention on the outlet of the Acquicella Torrent. Arising from the provision of the Decree of Environmental Compatibility, issued by the Ministry of Environment, for the re-naturalization of the torrent outlet, a project was prepared and carried out on an area of about 100,000 sqm. The project also included phytopurification through modern techniques of environmental engineering, planting of native species, reactivation of the dune system and realization of naturalistic trails for the creation of the Natural Oasis of the Acquicella Outlet.

Furthermore, two nearly 90 m long wrecks were removed and their ferrous materials were reused. They had sunk in the outer harbor during the 70’s.

SECURITY: the inner breakwater and the wharf have been built with earthquake resistant structures, thus making the wet basin a work of strategic importance as far as Civil Protection is concerned. 

The fire system has 43 UNI 70 underground fire hydrants, powered by a pumping group functioning with sea water, placed at the base of the inner breakwater.

Lighting of docks and aprons is guaranteed by twelve 15 and 30 m high lighting towers with mobile crowns.

In order to improve the mooring safety, anti-reflective docks have been constructed with an innovative structural system, made of  a pole retaining wall with earth anchors and anti-reflective caisson. This project has been realized in cooperation with the Department of Hydraulic of the University of Catania.


The new wet basin with its 1,100 lm of operative piers, its 120,000 sqm of aprons, its 5 new moorings, its -13 m depth on the mean sea level and its location directly connected with the Sicilian highway network, represents a driving force for stocking and movement of the container, RO-RO and RO/pax traffic, that until today has occupied the historical part of the port, close to the city. The spaces of this new structure represents a commercial offer that in the future could reach more than 60,000 TEUS/year and 600,000 vehicles.

The relocation of the majority of the commercial traffic in the port area from the landward end of the Pier F. Crispi and the new wet basin, will allow to recover more than 50% of the Port Authority areas for the creation of a waterfront for the cruise, pleasure and fishing boat traffic and for all initiatives supporting the socio-economic development of the city.